Energy roadmap

Tükiye’s “Independent Energy” Public Policy


Türkiye’s energy policy is an increasingly important issue. Türkiye’s balance of energy production and consumption, its efforts to reduce foreign dependency and its investments in renewable energy sources are a matter of curiosity. In particular, the fact that millions of people are considering electric vehicles and that the most important difference in the current account deficit comes from energy payments keep the issue on the agenda and will continue to do so.

What does the big picture tell us?

According to 2023 data, Türkiye’s energy production is around 300 terawatt-hours (TWh) per year. However, the energy need is above this figure, around 360 TWh. In this situation, we are forced to import energy from abroad to close our energy deficit. Our main energy suppliers are Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan. We meet most of our energy needs by purchasing natural gas and oil from these countries.

In energy production, Türkiye utilizes various sources. These include natural gas, coal, hydroelectricity, wind, solar and geothermal energy. In the coming years, nuclear energy is expected to be added to these sources. Especially in recent years, investments in renewable energy sources have led to a rapid increase in wind and solar energy production. Türkiye has recorded a significant increase in electricity generation from renewable energy sources by 2023. According to reports by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, renewable energy sources account for 40% of total energy production.

What will we see in the medium term?

First of all, it is clear that investments in renewable energy sources must continue. Türkiye’s solar energy potential is quite high. Especially the Southeastern Anatolia region has ideal conditions for solar energy production. The situation is similar in wind energy. The Aegean and Marmara regions are very advantageous in terms of wind energy potential.

Türkiye’s steps towards nuclear energy are also an important part of its energy policies. In 2023, the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, the construction part of which was completed and is scheduled to become operational soon, is one of the largest projects in this field. Once completed, the plant in Mersin will contribute approximately 35 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) to Türkiye’s energy production annually. In addition to Akkuyu, Türkiye is also working on a second nuclear power plant project, the Sinop Nuclear Power Plant. Nuclear energy is considered an important option to increase Türkiye’s energy supply security and reduce its dependence on energy imports. On the other hand, I would like to point out that these investments have been criticized at a time when the Western World is shutting down its existing power plants as it shifts from nuclear energy to renewable energy sources. It seems that Türkiye continues to move forward on this issue by taking risks. With these projects, it aims to contribute to the continuity of its energy policies by increasing energy diversity.

So, what are the duties of the state, companies and consumers to achieve energy independence? The state needs to provide incentives and support for renewable energy projects and to promote energy efficiency policies. It is important for the private sector to invest in renewable energy projects and focus on R&D activities. Consumers, on the other hand, should raise awareness on energy saving, use energy efficient devices and prefer renewable energy sources.

Türkiye’s solar and wind energy potential is quite high. According to 2023 data, Türkiye’s installed solar power capacity has exceeded 10 gigawatts. Wind energy has an installed capacity of close to 11 gigawatts. Türkiye is also at the top of the world rankings in geothermal energy. According to the targets of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, the share of renewable energy sources in total energy production is planned to increase to 50% by 2027.

Is an energy independent Türkiye possible?

The issue of energy resources is at some point evolving into a struggle for independence due to reasons such as the increasing population and the consequent escalating consumption, the use of natural energy resources as a power by countries with natural energy resources or the regional tensions they are experiencing. The International Energy Agency (IEA), one of the most authoritative international organizations on energy policy, emphasizes the importance of Türkiye’s investments in renewable energy. According to IEA reports, investments in renewable energy are among the important steps that will contribute to Türkiye’s energy independence.

Incentive policies of the government, innovative projects of companies and conscious energy use by consumers are of great importance for energy independence. Investments in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency studies will be the cornerstones of Türkiye’s future energy policies.

Türkiye’s energy policy should continue to focus on the goal of a sustainable and independent energy future. To achieve these goals, investments in renewable energy sources should continue to increase, energy efficiency measures should be popularized and awareness of energy savings should be spread throughout society. In this way, Türkiye can take decisive steps towards energy independence.

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